February 2021 Newsletter
After a long month of January in confinement yet again, we could hope that February would see the end of it, and yet it was not to be. We just have to patient and hope that this year will be a bit easier on us.
February is the start of Spring, renewal, days getting longer, daffodils shyly starting to appear, brightening our day, and the knowing that we are going towards the summer, well, at least, we are going in the right direction.
I know it is hard not to be able to meet people, family, friends, colleagues. Meetings on Zoom or Skype are taking a toll on people’s tolerance and acceptance. However it is the way it is going to be for the moment, and remember, it is all temporary and soon we will all be able to meet in person.
Traveling abroad is one of the biggest downside of that Covid-19 saga. I haven’t seen my mum and sisters for over a year and I miss them terribly. Just as well we have modern technology to rely on in this day and age, with the likes of Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom etc. I often hear people say, fortunately that didn’t happened 25 years ago when we didn’t have mobile phones or computers. But the thing is, we didn’t know any better and we would have coped perfectly well.
So that’s where I take out the positive out of all that, we can connect, we can talk to people and we don’t have to stay isolated.
Onwards and forwards, and above all, be kind and smile, you will see the law of attraction in action.